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2D Layout in UG NX



We have been using Ideas for over 10 years to design microwave components. A significant amount of the design is done in 2D before committing to 3D. Ideas has allowed us to do the Drafting layouts and bring those layouts into Modeller and extrude them into 3D. Does UG NX support this type of process or are you required to "sketch" in 3D?
dont know bout that but I'm looking for the answer on making 2D23D using AutoCAD and I-DEAS??????? Been an I-DEAS user since 2001 with a bunch of 2D drawings at my hand and wondered all these years on how to make the drawings come alive......please advice.
Yes, NX is able to perform layout drawings without having to redraw in sketch. With that, you'll also be able to extrude the profiles into solids.
Yes, you can still design in 2D.

If you do a significant amount of your designs in 2D, you are not really leveraging the software to your advantage. It is a very expensive package to use as an electronic drawing board.
Yes, NX is able to perform layout drawings without having to redraw in sketch. With that, you'll also be able to extrude the profiles into solids.
Will you be so kind and explain me the required steps for the task you send your message?
i mean, what steps should I do in order to extrude in 3D geometry created in 2D?

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