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Affordable 3D cad package : Alibre vs BricsCAD...


There is no specific category for general software discussions, so I post it on the hardware category.

I just finished University in mechanical engineering. As any other new professional in the field, I would like to buy a license of an inexpensive CAD package. Solidworks and PTC Creo are just to costly for my "beginner" budget. So I searched alternatives. I saw Alibre and BricsCAD. These are 2 interresting packages.

I tried google : Alibre vs BricsCAD. The only comparisons are about market and business. There is no side to side cad comparison as we can se with PTC Creo and Solidworks.... Is there any person who tried the 2 packages? Any comments? What are the weaknesses and the goods of the two softwares?

Thank you,


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