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assembly of Gears??



I am a student studying Automotive Engineering in the UK and as part of a group project we are designing a VVT system for an engine.

We have come across a problem that we cannot assemble the helical gears we use for the system. We were wondering if there was any way of using a standard edition of solid edge to assemble these parts?

We are using v18 Solid Edge (student edition, but same spec as standard). Any help would be appreciated.

Hi chris!
First of all if you are going to make a assembly of some helical part why are you using a program like solid edge? My first thought was that this is a cadcam program and dosen´t offer as good tools like a 3d cad program. Are you using simulated cutting in your project? If not I would recommend you to try out solid works, it´s pretty the same grafical layout as solid edge..
In Solid Works it really easy to put helical gears together and even make an animation from these.
Hope I gave you some info... :) I am doing my examwork too, but in technical and design engineering in Sweden...
Thanks for the quick reply Habbe

Unfortunately Solid Edge is the only 3D design software available to us from the university at the moment. I take it from your post that solid edge is not able to fully assemble the gears. This is really unfortunate but I suppose for now I will have to live with that fact and try to work around it as much as possible.

Thanks a lot again mate.:)
A way to come around the problem is to search helcial gears from download the solidwork file and import it to solid edge...maybe there is some helical gears in assambly allready done...
But to maka an assembly in solid edge is by my knowledge not possible..:( /habbe
Thanks again for the effort on your part Habbe

I tried what you suggested but the relationships that are in the files before I convert them to solid edge get lost so when I try to see what relationships have been used it shows there being none, obviously solid edge cant recognise the relationships or the assembly files don’t come with any relationships. i think i will just give up on trying to make it perfect.

Anyway, thanks for the help again.


(P.S. Nearly finished the new VVT system now just got to finish bluesurfing the new variable geometry cam lobes and then put the camshafts in the assembly.) :D
chriss007 said:
(P.S. Nearly finished the new VVT system now just got to finish bluesurfing the new variable geometry cam lobes and then put the camshafts in the assembly.) :D

Cool that you tried it! Bad luck that it didn´t work out!:(
Now we know that it´s probebly not possible...

I am almost done with my too.. (Product Catalog in a innvative 3d solution for aluminium profiles:D ) just some cool flash intro left...
It would be assume to se your work agent criss:cool:

Have It PARTY man/
The Swede--> Habbe
habbe said:
A way to come around the problem is to search helcial gears from download the solidwork file and import it to solid edge...maybe there is some helical gears in assambly allready done...
But to maka an assembly in solid edge is by my knowledge not possible..:( /habbe

Habbe, I like your comment that SolidWorks is something that Solid Edge is not. I think you may be mistaken as to what Solid Edge ie - it is not Edgecam. As you may not realise, Solid Edge and SolidWorks are built on the same kernel. This means that they have exceptionally similar capabilities. They are both fully funtional 3D modellers, each company will claim that theirs is better, but they are very similar. They do have their specialist capabilities, but as to normal assemblies they have the same capabilities.

Chris007, As to the actual problem, making gears accually mesh and work is difficult. Habbe's suggestion to look for a file that does it already is a good one. I suspect that you will not have much luck. The upgcomming new release of Soild Edge has some new fuctionallity it this area, and I suspect that means SolidWorks is not far behind. wether these changes help you is a different matter. I would be interested to see if you made it work.
Paulie is correct...

habbe and chriss007,

Paulie is basically correct in the comparason between SolidWorks and Solid Edge. I reviewed a few recent releases of Solid Edge for Cadalyst magazine and their assembly functionality is actually very good. Here are links to some of those reviews:

I recall their assembly scheme to be quite productive, automatically interpreting mating constraints of inserted components and intuitive assembly measuring functionality. As I recall, they also had an impressive array of assemly design intent alerts where you could set a design alert such as a gear rotation or a component distance. At any time during the design process, if any of those conditions were incurred or exceeded, an alert was triggered and you were notified of the condition.

habbe, you may be thinking of another application. chriss007, is it possible that your student version is limited is some way? I don't believe you actually described what the problem you were having was. It's possible that with some help you may be able to solve the problem.

Good Luck!
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Thanks for the extra help unfortunately our workgroup has finished the VVT system now so there is nothing more I can do about it.

We were however able to live without having the helical gears fully assembled and just fitted them together with an axial align relationship then positioned them manually which allowed us to produce drafts of the system and complete the project.

As to the limitations of the student version, the version we have is the V18 (student version) I believe there is a V19 out at the moment or soon but the only limitations on the student version are that when printing out drafts they have a 'student version' logo in the background and the full version cannot open files created using the student version.

I have since learned that there is a student version of a 'gear' add-on to solid edge available free over the internet called 'Dynamic Designer'. Admittedly this software comes in a more basic form in solid edge anyway and it is for modelling motion but it would be a useful tool for gears none the less.

Thanks again for all your help.


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