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Attempting to replicate what I do in Sketchup and QCAD


Hi Guys,
I hope someone can get me pointed in the right direction. I have spent 2 days on the youtube videos and other training material to replicate what I am doing in sketchup and QCAD at the moment. I can do machine drawing etc etc however I am unable to draw the things I normally draw when using my CCN Plasma.

I usually draw flat parts, cut them on the cnc from 5mm steel sheet, and then weld \ bolt these together. This is almost sheetmetal work but I cant bend the sheet so every bend is a welding joint for me.
So the challenge is that I always draw the model twice, once in 3d and then every side\part in qcad to be able to cut on the CNC machine.

Is there anybody that would be willing to just help me get started, what would work best, sheetmetal drawing or a normal part\assembly drawing.

These are typically the models I draw, and the material I use is normally 5mm sheet metal, some angle iron, channel iron and round bar.
Thanks for allowing me to bug you guys.


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