I have a series of curves I can put a through curve mesh through to get a surface. I have a way to update the curves so the surface updates. But when I use macro to record these steps, it does not play back. I edited the macro and see context specific lines like cursor position and mouse events. What I need is a "macro" that refers to curves by name or number, since I'll always have the same number of curves, in order. Is there a more generalized way to automate this procedure using macro, or....

Thanks in advance.
I have a series of curves I can put a through curve mesh through to get a surface. I have a way to update the curves so the surface updates. But when I use macro to record these steps, it does not play back. I edited the macro and see context specific lines like cursor position and mouse events. What I need is a "macro" that refers to curves by name or number, since I'll always have the same number of curves, in order. Is there a more generalized way to automate this procedure using macro, or....
Thanks in advance.