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bulk material handling equipment

Hi all,

We are planning to execute a project using solid edge and its a bulk material handling equipment. This equipment consist of both mechanical parts and structural parts like boom, truss, conveyor gantry, platform, stair, handrail, ladder, chequered plate and grating. We would like to know more about the suitability of solid edge for this kind of project(country standard not yet decided). We have some query which is listed below for your guidance.

1. Is it possible to release 2D drawing with BOM from 3D model of those mechanical equipment and steel structures by using solid edge?

2. Is it possible to generate CNC files from solid edge?

3. Is it possible to integrate with navis works as IGES file?

please kindly provide us more information for above query's ASAP.

If its suits to our requirement, please let me know the possibility of providing DEMO session.



1. Is it possible to release 2D drawing with BOM from 3D model of those mechanical equipment and steel structures by using solid edge?

This is one of the main feature or should i say purpose of the software. So unless you have very specific requirement and even then i think it will be able possible to adapt Solid Edge

2. Is it possible to generate CNC files from solid edge?

Solid Edge itself is not a CAM software to produce G-Code for CNC. Solid Edge produce the 3D files or 2D files need by such software, you can find a wide variety of CAD software that can read Native SE file

3. Is it possible to integrate with navis works as IGES file?
Not sure about Navis works the only thing i know it is similar to Smart Plant. Solid Edge is able to read and write a wide variety of file format to communicate. IGES is one of them. However this will not be my first choice STEP or JT, X_T ( parasolid file) would the first one would used to communicate
Indeed, I have some idea about your asking for but the bulk material handling equipment but I will asked my friends for more information.
The design of every material handling equipment is very important at beginning. As he mention first some points about i support and agree with. There are many software for this but CAD is one the best for me.

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