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Can't create a "traditional" part file in Solid Edge ST.


New member
I've acquired a Solid Edge ST license through my University, as I'm taking a product development course that requires plenty of CAD work.

It works just fine on my netbook, running Windows 7 32 bit.

But when I install it on my desktop PC, running Windows 7 64 bit, I can only create Synchronous part files, not traditional ones. This is a problem, as not only am I not familiar with the Synchronous features, but all my part files so far are "traditional".

Could it be that the license is for just one install? But if so, how can I even start Solid edge on my desktop PC, and create and save a part file?

How do I activate the "create traditional part file" function? It's not in the "more" list (they're all synchronous files).

I'd appreciate any help that would keep me from having to go through the lengthy customer support process... Sorry if this question has been answered before.
ST Traditional Set Up

Close all documents in SE ST, go to the application icon (top left), scroll down to Solid Edge Options - On user profile set User Type as Syncronous and Traditional.
Now when you hit New use ISO part,draft or assembly and you enter the traditional SE type files
Hope this helps

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