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Cant see some surfaces in shaded display mode?



I am using NX3,
I have model which is imported from Catia V5 and made some changes in UG NX3
it is having around 4000 features( surfaces only)..the problem is i can't see some surfaces in the shaded mode but i can see in wireframe. i can modify its parameter too in wireframe mode.

I hope it is some display problem only..could any body help me?

Check this:

» I am using NX3,
» I have model which is imported from Catia V5 and made some changes in UG
» NX3
» it is having around 4000 features( surfaces only)..the problem is i can't
» see some surfaces in the shaded mode but i can see in wireframe. i can
» modify its parameter too in wireframe mode.
» I hope it is some display problem only..could any body help me?
» rafi

Hello a_rafi:

Hopefully it is just a display issue since a different (display model) is used when shading a part and not the actual B-rep model. Have you looked to see if the surface have been inverted (inside pointing out)? This will cause what you see.

If the surfaces appear ok in all other respects other than shading, try exporting the model to IGES or STEP and then importing it back (e.g., NX3 -> IGES -> NX3) to see if the surfaces shade then. If so, then I would not be too concerned about it. But do make a note of it because abnormalities do have a way of coming back to cause problems later on in the development cycle, usually when other apps need to use the data such as CAM or FEA, etc.

So check the surface nornals to see if they are point out and not in and let us know.

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