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catia command order


New member

when i do "extrapolate" to extrude.58, command comes to end of tree..

is there any option that makes command come to before trim.57

i know reordering children, but want to learn if anything possible for this..


  • catia-commands.JPG
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If you were working with Part Design and a Body, you could use DEFINE IN WORK OBJECT and the next feature would be placed after that object.

But you're working in a Geometric Set (where the order doesn't matter), so each object is created at the end of the tree branch. I don't know how to change that, or if it is even possible.

You might try working in an Ordered Geometric Set. Or maybe Hybrid Design? Order is important in both of these.

When working on a complex surface model, I like to create many Geometric Sets (that I've renamed) so I can group related objects together.

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