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CATIA v5 Generative Drafting Drawing Links

I created a drawing from Catia part-1 using Catia drafting.
Now I have Catia part-2 with some modifications and different features.
When i replace the the drawing link with this new Catia part-2 , the error message appears the link has been refused.

Could you tell what the possible reason for link refusal and suggest what is the solution?
This "Refused The Link" error is due to the how the new part was created from the original part. Using File + SaveAs will create this problem with drawings.

Once you get into this situation, the solution is to make a new drawing. Or, you could just delete the linked views, and add new views based on the new part.

To avoid this problem in the future, use File + New From to copy the original part. Or, you can use File + SaveAS and also check the New Document option.

This old thread might be of interest:
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