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Catia V5 R20 linking attributes from solid to drawing

Rob Church

New member
There are a fair amount of attributes I currently link from parts to individual drawings and assembly drawings and everything updates well if I keep things clean. My issue is getting a cumulative mass from an assembly to update properly. I link it the same way I do on part drawings but it seems to 'forget' to re-calculate itself so I am left manually adding BOM item masses to get the total.

Any workarounds or methods for this?
(BTW, i do not use Enovia)
The mass link should be update with the assembly.

Some things to check:
1. is the link good? and is the drawing linked to the correct assembly
2. is the assembly and all of it's parts updated?
3. is the assembly mass correct?

How are you associating the accumulative mass to the drawing?

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