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CATIA V5R21 and CATIA V5-6R2019 compareable?


Hello everyone,

because I only have experience with Siemens NX I want to familiarize myself with CATIA for my upcoming internship, where I will work wit CATIA V5-6R2019.
But through my university, I only have access to CATIA V5R21. Now I am asking if the tools and the user interface stayed so similar over this time, that I will have no problems switching between the versions or if working with CATIA V5R21 will have no use for me.

Do any of know how much changed over this time and if it will still be usefull for me to get familiar with CATIA V5R21?

Best Regards,
I believe CATIA V5-6R2019 is also known as "Release 29" or "V5R29" for short.

I don't have a detailed list of what has changed from V5R21 to V5R29, but I'm sure there are many additions and improvements to the CATIA system in that 9 year timeframe.

The good news is I suspect that the basic CATIA functions (Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting, etc) and interface have not changed much, and you will have little to no problems learning/using the newer release after learning V5R21. Most if the changes were probably made to the more advanced functions.

The bad news is CATIA is not downward compatible. In other words, you will be able to convert and edit your R21 files when you switch to the newer R29. You will NOT be able to open or work with your R29 files with the older R21 software. (But I don't think this will be an issue for you)

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