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Copy Paste in NX-3



Hello viewers,
I have a question Regarding the Copy-paste or paste special,

Will there be any funda like CCP in Catia so that i can call one part into a another part by maintaining the link,

What i want to do is to create 2 parts 1st contain forged body & 2nd contain machined body
In machined body i need to call the 1st forged body (but with link),
So when i update forged body, automatically 2nd machined body will need to be updated.
Use The geometry linker

Hello viewers,
I have a question Regarding the Copy-paste or paste special,

Will there be any funda like CCP in Catia so that i can call one part into a another part by maintaining the link,

What i want to do is to create 2 parts 1st contain forged body & 2nd contain machined body
In machined body i need to call the 1st forged body (but with link),
So when i update forged body, automatically 2nd machined body will need to be updated.

In UG you can use the Geometry Linker.

Create a simple assembly with the forged body as a component. Then use insert - associative copy and "Link" the component to the assembly, You may want to blank the original. Now you can add new features to show the finished part. The features are part of the assembly. The original component will be unchanged. The cool part is when the forging is changed the linked gometry will update as well.


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