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Copying (backup) of all part level UG file from Assembly without any File managment system (IMAN)



Copying (backup) of all part level UG file from Assembly without any File managment system (IMAN)

Dear All,

I am facing one problem to copy all part level file of an assembly in one directory.
We don't have any file management system (IMAN/Team Center/others), currently using NX2.0.
If I open an assembly file, I need to copy all part level UG files at one place without changing any file names. Just like taking backup.
No UG/Manager is available.
Is there any way in UG that I can copy all part level files of assembly files in one directory? May be some guys suggest why can't I use Clone assembly. In this facility I have to give Name Rule. Again I need to rename whole bunch of part files. So I don't want to use Clone Assembly concept. Is there any grip programme which can runs on windows OS.

Any help really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards.
There is a program called ugpc-zip

I was browsing around the web and found this. I think it my help you with your problem, if you still have it that is. ;)

"There is a program called ugpc-zip, I think, that will take the output from a ugpc look at the assembly and zip all of the resulting files into a zip file.

Ben Loosli
Sr IS Technologist
L-3 Communications"

Mike2006 :)

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