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creating/simulating a shape memory alloy


New member

I am looking model a mechanical test of a structure made out of Nitinol, a material that is very temperature dependent, with hyperelastic characteristics. However, I am not sure how I can capture this material's unique characteristics when I only have the NiTi data sheet with the following data:

Temperature full Martensite: (30 deg C)
Temperature full Austenite: (70 deg C)
E modulus Martensite: 28 GPa
E modulus Austenite : 83 GPa
density: 6.45 g/cc
poisson: 0.33

I want to do non linear simulations, that is testing with varying temperature gradients and also under plastic deformation.

What I have done so far is a simplified bending simulation (linear model) in a very minimal deformation range at a steady temperature for one material phase (Martensite).

Any suggestions, NX functions, previous made models or publications out there that can help me with Shape Memory Alloy modelling?

Many thanks

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