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cutting grooves on cylinder


New member

I am trying to cut grooves on the outside of a cylinder. A cable will be wound in the groove (R/H). I tried to use the thread function. I set

major diameter: 140
minor: 132
pitch: 8.5
angle: 180
shaft size: 140
method: cut

But the model doesn't show the grooves. It does show the 'thread' in the drafting mode.

Is there another way to cut the grooves ?

Thank you
Re: Cutting grooves on cylinder

Hi Adi,
Question is not clear for me. I request everyone, Pls mention NX Version and explain in detail for better understanding.

Upto my understanding that you have used Thread Command and key in the below Values :

Major diameter: 140
Minor: 132
Pitch: 8.5
Angle: 180
Shaft size: 140
Method: cut

Seems that you have choosen, "Symbolic" option Right ?

Pls enable "Manual" option and enter the below the Values

Major diameter: 140
Minor: 132
Pitch: 8.5
Angle: 180
Method: cut

then pls select the Cylindrical Face , Now Shaft Size Hilights and enter 140 as Shaft size

It works fine and creates a Thread.

Note :

Now you can notice that cylinder face automatically changes to 140 when you enter the value 140 as a Shaft Size Value in Thread Command ( Example : Assume Groove/Hole Dia 200, when you set Shaft Size as 140 in Thread Command, Value in Hole/ Groove dia get updates as mentioned in Thread Coomand)

Pls find the attached Image.

Pls let me know incase you need any clarifications on this.

Srinivas Kumar.T
G4 Solutions


  • Hole_Thread.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 3
Hi Strinivas

Thank you, it does cut the thread. But it does not show the thread in the modelling mode. Is this normal ?

There should be grooves on the outside of the face. The thread comes up in drafting though. I am using NX6.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

I am trying to cut grooves on the outside of a cylinder. A cable will be wound in the groove (R/H). I tried to use the thread function. I set

major diameter: 140
minor: 132
pitch: 8.5
angle: 180
shaft size: 140
method: cut

But the model doesn't show the grooves. It does show the 'thread' in the drafting mode.

Is there another way to cut the grooves ?

Thank you

You can use groove command to perform your task!

first : creat cylinder (dia 140, height 140)

see picture - shrink your URLs and get paid!

second: make groove (dia 132, width 8.5)

rectangle groove - shrink your URLs and get paid!

type parameter - shrink your URLs and get paid!

finish! - shrink your URLs and get paid!

Re: Cutting grooves on cylinder

Hi Adi,
Software is working as designed.

If you choose "Symbolic" , It will not create any Threads in Modeling where as it shows Sysmbolic Representation.

Make sure that Hole get updates automatically in Sysmbolic Thread irresepective of Hole Dia

This is a general PRACTICE in an Industry, Beacuse It helps to reduce the File Size and Improves the Performance.

Detailed Thread:

Thread appears in Modeling

Increases the File Size

Prefoemance Degrades etc.

Srinivas Kumar.T

G4 Solutions

G4 Solutions established with a tremendous experience for all Design Applications, Project Execution and Business Consulting for Design Solutions. Specialized in cost effective and customized mechanical design applications in project design, drafting

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