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Distance between moves the wrong line.


New member
I am new to modeling. I selected SE over the others because it just seemed better . Now I am a modeling son of a gun. The guys I work with say I am realy good. Its easy to get good at something you love to do, and I love modeling. I wish thats all I had to do.

Now my question. When I mesure distance between two lines, how can I make one stay put so the other one moves.

Sometimes it cant move because it is attached to other elements, but sometimes it moves the other elements also.

I know the answer is simple. I could spend another hour in the help, but I thought I would save some time, cause you guys know everything! Well almost everything.

Use constraints to aid your 2D sketching.

Hi JK,

Welcome to the world of 3D modeling. I'm glad you chose SE over the rest. I too fell in love with SE when i had my 1st encounter with it in my college days. I've been using SE since then at home and at work. However, modeling is only the beginning. You'll be facing great challenges ahead when you're ready to step out of CAD modeling and enter the realms of CAM & CAE. That's the interesting and challenging step.

Back to answer your questions, i suppose you're referring to create a distance dimension between 2 lines in the 2D sketch environment. 1st of all, the 1st line which you pick to place your dimension will be the line that moves to the specified distance from the other line.

However, in order to force a particular line to stay stationary, you can either use constraints like 'CONNECT' or 'HORIZONTAL' to fixed the line to another element or simply use the 'LOCK' constraint to fix the line at it's current position. Thereafter, the other line will move to the specified distance when you modify the attached dimension.

Hope this helps. ;)

How easy.

Thank you very much Andrew.

That works like a charm.

This board saves me time. I can only spend so much time digging through the help topics.

You and William are great. It takes your time to answer these questions and I realy apreciate it.

Hi JK,

You're most welcome. After all, this is the main purpose of a forum, a Solid Edge forum. We help each other by sharing our knowledge with the others.

We need active and helpful members like you and William to build up this community. Have fun!


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