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Getting Hold Of Solid Edge



Hi all,

Im a Newbie to this forum, but have been recommended to it by a friend who swears by it.

Anyway, firstly I'd like to say hi, and wish everyone a merry christmas.

I have just started my new job as a Applications Engineer for Dugard Machine Tools, and part of my job is to do demo's, and time studies on the various machines.

Now, I used to be a Design Engineer for Tesla where I used Solid Edge for 2 years, and now wish to acquire it for the use of doing drawings and models for the above mentioned demo's etc...

So basically, Im after a copy of as late a version of SE as possible. This I know is cheeky to ask of maybe as a Newbie, but it will help my day to day job activities ten fold.

Please give me some info on where and how I can achieve this.

Many thanks, for your time, and again Merry Christmas...

Hi Shaun,

Well thank you for your good greetings.
Best 2oo7 for all!!

There is many illigal copies of SE out there - we can not give that info for you here. Someone might use the "private message" service instead.

My suggestion is to get hold of your local UGS representative.
If you supply your country details for someone to direct you or see the UGS web page.
If you want to play with SE - ask them for a trial version.
If you want to use it for yourself - ask for the student version.
If you want to use it commercially - buy the "Lite" version (I have for Euro500 on special).

Hope it helps - let us know either way.

Supper 2 x "007" year.


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