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Lets say i have a 10 diameter hole and 8 diameter pin
now i want this pin inside hole(not concentric) moving freely inside the hole (like what happens in real life)
how can i do this in assembly?(catia or solidworks)
Use a Coincidence Constraint in a CATIA assembly to center the pin with the hole. If you don't want to make it coincident (concentric), constrain the pin axis with two Offset Constraints to locate the pin to the other features of the mating part.

CATIA Kinematics will show the pin moving freely within the hole as part of a motion study, based on assembly constraints

CATIA GD&T will let you add tolerances to the parts, including a Position tolerance, and pin & hole sizes.
What is your objective? Typically with most CAD systems, the Pin is just positioned in the center of the Hole.
What is your objective? Typically with most CAD systems, the Pin is just positioned in the center of the Hole.
in theory yes. the pin is in center of hole
but in reality there is always clearance between pin and hole-for a single pin and hole its easy to calculate the pin size but assume there is a part with two or three holes(with tolerances on diameter and distance) now i need to design a control gauge with three fix pins so the part goes on the gauge-now i need to find pins diameter and distance so all parts(that are in right tolerance for diameter and distance) could go in and all scrap parts could not
Sounds like you need to do a tolerance stackup.

I recall a software package called 3DCS that does this. It can be used standalone, or with CATIA's FTA tolerances.

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