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Join our CAD community forums where over 25,000 users interact to solve day to day problems and share ideas. We encourage you to visit, invite you to participate and look forward to your input and opinions. Acrobat 3D, AutoCAD, Catia, Inventor, IronCAD, Creo, Pro/ENGINEER, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and others.

If you have a problem, I solve it for you!!


New member
Hi everyone!

If you have any urgent work for the university or any other project that needs Solid Edge, contact me. I do sketches, parts, assemblies, explosion, changes in materials, drawings and all sorts of projects in a short time and with the quality you want. If you need someone that make the work for you, write me. I leave my mail here:

[email protected]
I sent you an email last night about 2 drawings. did you get them? i really need them done on a short notice. it would be great if you can. thx for any help:)

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