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Images with clear backgrounds for marketing literature


New member
Does anybody know how to export 3D images out of SE with a clear background such as in a PNG or similar? or is there any other workaround that can achieve that?

Some graphics people say to add an Alpha Channel for the background that can be turned on or off in the photo editing program later. Is that possible with SE?

thanks for any help.
Does anybody know how to export 3D images out of SE with a clear background such as in a PNG or similar? or is there any other workaround that can achieve that?

Some graphics people say to add an Alpha Channel for the background that can be turned on or off in the photo editing program later. Is that possible with SE?

thanks for any help.


If you use the save as images, you will be able to save in BMP, JPG and TIFF


Then yes many image editor allow you to set transparent color.

Has an example in word you have this option

We have the same issue trying to render images with transparent background. Using the workaround SOLID DNA described is a very poor method that results in ugly fringing. Is this really not implemented in this software? Even blender can do this easily. :(

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