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Introdution to NX


New member
NX is the commercial CAD/CAM/CAE PLM software suite developed by Siemens PLM Software. NX is widely used in the engineering industry, especially in the automotive and aerospace sectors. NX has some presence in the consumer goods design sector. ....Introdution to NX (software)-1

NX is much more than CAD/CAM/CAE. Except Catia, Siemens NX is the only one to provide a complete & integrated PLM solution.

One interface to do everything. All parties are working together on the same platform, the same database. They can find automation & knowledge re-use anywhere. They move fast because they work smart.

more can be explored on its site.
Defining PLM: PLM Solutions by Business Role: PLM - Product Lifecycle Management : Siemens PLM Software

the related pdf is here:

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