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Macro in NX4 to paste current date into an Attribute Field?


New member

I'm new to this forum and signed up today so that I could ask you all if you've ever thought about doing this or if you think it is even possible.

I'd like to create a macro in NX4 that could insert (copy/paste?) the current date into an attribute field (file > properties > attributes) on any given day. i.e. if i ran the macro today it would put today's date and if i ran it tomorrow it would put tomorrow's date, etc.

do you think there is a way to do this?

If possible I'd also like to grab the current part's file name (in which i'm running the macro) and throw that into another attribute field.

I've tried generating a report and copy/pasting but it seems to just paste the same thing no matter when/where i run the macro...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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