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Part to Sheetmetal - What happened?



We are currently on Rev 17. I thought you used to be able to convert a part to sheetmetal. The help says to go to the "Convert to Sheetmetal" icon on the feature menu, but it's not there. If you go to the file menue, it shows the convert to sheetmetal option, but it is not available. Didn't there used to be an "Environment" menu at the top that had a pull down for sheetmetal? Is you create a sheetmetal part, you can switch from SM to Part and back again, but now you must start from "Sheetmetal"? Anyone know what's going on?
Trying to get some help

Hello jmarkert,

We're attempting to establish a line of communication between our 3DCADTips Help Desk and the folks at Solid Edge (UG - Huntsville, Al). Because our forums are very popular (see Google rating below) and also because we have some contacts there, we hope to be successful.

Google rating:
Solid Edge Forum (# 6 of 11,900,000)

In the mean time, I hope an experienced SE user steps up to provide you with a good answer. We'll keep you posted as to the results.

Good luck!
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:

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