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Problem with dynamic smart dimensions



I have recentlly installed ST4 version of Solid Edge. In the beginning it was possible to change the dimensions of the objects using smart diemnsions. Now it does not work. When im trying to change it a dash appears over the dimension but the size of the object does not change. I have also reinstalled the program but it didnt work. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? :)

I have recentlly installed ST4 version of Solid Edge. In the beginning it was possible to change the dimensions of the objects using smart diemnsions. Now it does not work. When im trying to change it a dash appears over the dimension but the size of the object does not change. I have also reinstalled the program but it didnt work. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? :)

I suspect you are in ordered mode and the lock icon is not active. This will make the dimension show in blue.

Dimensions in blue mean reference dimension in ordered mode.

Click smart dimension then enable the lock. SE will remember the last state for any new dimension you want to place.

Once this as been set. You will need to enable the lock for existing dimension so they will become master dimension (red)
Go back to the select tool ( hit ESC couple times) select the blue dimension then enable the lock icon, dimension should turn red again

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