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Scanto Either DWG/DWF/DWX Converter


New member
Dear All,
Could you help us which Scan to ( pdf format/jpg) dwg/dwf/Dwx software is better.
We had used Scan2Cad, and Aide pdf to DWX. Their results are 50% . is there any software having 100% result.
What outcome are you trying to achieve?

mechint said:
Dear All,
Could you help us which Scan to ( pdf format/jpg) dwg/dwf/Dwx software is better.
We had used Scan2Cad, and Aide pdf to DWX. Their results are 50% . is there any software having 100% result.

What type of file are you starting with, and what do you want it to be. You need to be a little more specific...:cool:
ha ha do you use better dwg converter software

DWG Converter - Acme CAD Converter is a dwg dxf dwf format conversion software for batch and vector files. It can conveniently convert DXF,DWF and DWG files into WMF BMP, GIF,JPEG,TIFF,PNG,TGA, DXF, DWG, SVG, PDF, HPGL, CGM, EPS etc., and also enable the conversion between DXF and DWG file versions (R2.5-R2008).Supports replace font file,Supports 3d object hidden line removal.

the software is very good
most big company as (Inter, AMD, Nokia) use it

new version 7.9 change info :
Supports the paper setting of each layout, can adjust the size of output pages with its layout automatically.
Supports 3D objects Hidden line removal when convert DWG/DXF to other f

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