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Smarteam database modification based on SmDemo example


New member
Good afternoon
I would like to modify my Smarteam database and add a special part dedicated to the order management. I have copied my server on a test server to validate this operation before developing it on our production server.
Here is the structure of the modified database

Nevertheless, this structure only works partially. I can create directories, some “DA”, some “groups”, some “imputations” and “PosteCommande”.
I would like to create some « Postes commandes », originating from « DA ». I haven’t find yet where and how to create this link from “PosteCommande” to “DA”.

Translation of the error message : unauthorized operation – your system has been set up to prevent any link from “Poste_commande” to “DA”

Last question : I would like to have a field with a formula (calculated field) into a form. For doing this, it might be necessary to use a script but I don’t know how to do it. As an example of what I want to do:
Total= “Quantité”*”PuHT”
Can anyone give me the method?
Thanks in advance for your help


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