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Solid Edge ST6 Synchronous Modeling sample chapters

Solid Edge ST6 Synchronous Modeling presents a comprehensive introduction to Solid Edge ST6. This book is written to help students, designers, and engineering professionals. It covers the important features and functionalities of Solid Edge using relevant examples and exercises.

This book is written for new users, who can use it as a self-study resource to learn Solid Edge. In addition, it can also be used as a reference for experienced users. The focus of this book is part modeling, assembly modeling, drawings, and sheet metal design.

• Get acquainted with Solid Edge user interface

• Learn various sketch techniques

• Create simple and complex parts

• Learn to quickly modify parts using Synchronous modeling tools

• Create assemblies using bottom-up and Top-down design approaches

• Generate 2D drawings of parts and assemblies

• Create sheet metal parts and flat patterns

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started with Solid Edge ST6

2. Sketch Techniques

3. Extrude and Revolve Features

4. Placed Features

5. Patterned Geometry

6. Sweep Features

7. Loft Features

8. Additional Features and Multibody Parts

9. Assemblies

10. Drawings

11. Sheet Metal Design

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