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SolidEdge In .NET



Hi I am writing .Net dll for SolidEdge and I have very specific questions
1. There is no Cocreate Interface for .Net in SE is there any way around to start the instance of SE(SolidEdge).
2. I am able to create SE by latebinding method but I want it by early binding.
3. If I am traversing asembly and getting ocuurences how should I verify that a occurence is Part or Assembly?

Thanks in advance for any help

Checking into it...

» Hi I am writing .Net dll for SolidEdge and I have very specific questions
» 1. There is no Cocreate Interface for .Net in SE is there any way around
» to start the instance of SE(SolidEdge).
» 2. I am able to create SE by latebinding method but I want it by early
» binding.
» 3. If I am traversing asembly and getting ocuurences how should I verify
» that a occurence is Part or Assembly?
» Thanks in advance for any help
» Shekhar

Hello shekhare,

We are forwarding your question to the UG/Solid Edge folks down in Huntsville, Al. We know a few Application Engineers that may be able to help or at least point you in the right direction.

We'll post the reply ASAP.

Thanks for using the Q&A Board! ;-) Q&A Board Support
Hi all you :) CADs,

I would like to get more info on .NET issues too, similar to the original post.
Does anyone have an updated answer to this one? :eek:

Where is the best place to find "programming" examples for SE? :(

Thanks a 1,000,000


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