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the profile leads to a cusp catia


hello everyone,

I'm drawing a compressor blade in Catia v5, for the moment I'm using only 2 different airfoils. When I do the multi-section, it tells me that the profile leads to a cusp, I don't know how to solve the problemImmagine 2024-11-08 123104.png
All the inputs look okay to me, so I'm not sure what's causing the problem. Try it without Couplings and see it that helps. or break the section curves into two, and make two surfaces.

How good is the section curve SHROUD? You might want to smooth it to eliminate any bumps.
these profiles are not "standard" profiles like naca series, are profile that I found from an optimization process. This is the shroud


  • Immagine 2024-11-10 114517.png
    Immagine 2024-11-10 114517.png
    160 KB · Views: 1

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