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TIP: presenting your designs to others


William B

Hi :) ,

Most of us know how to save a design as JPG or BMP images - right?
Virtual Studio of course is also a great tool to use to make those photo realistic images of your design.
But how do you present your pride & joy and tears & frustrations to others?

These design images can be used to present a design concept to a team or client,
without spending too much time and effort.
(especially if when you need to communicate to non-technical / non-PC expert people!)

Try using Microsoft products/tools like :eek: :
- MovieMaker (part of WindowsXP, it can create photo slide show).
- PhotoStory (free downloads available, gives zoom-in & zoom-out effects).

Personally I like PhotoStory3 the most.

Try these tools to give someone a walk through on your design for example.

Upgrading to SolidEdge V19 will give you the possibility to make & store your simulation videos.

Other free tools that is usefull (& free!! :rolleyes: ):
- The Gimp ( for editing "photos"
- Inkscape ( making quick drawings or to name components in an image.
Both these are great in making documentation.

Okay - now it is your turn..
Let us know what you use to compliment your SolidEdge & why.
Bonus points if it is free ;)

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Hi William,

Thanks a million for being so pro-active in contributing to this forum. You're such a gem to this forum.

Contribution non-existing?

Thanks for you kind words Andrew.

It does not help though if you and me are the only ones contributing answers.
Did you see how many people have read our debates without writing back?

It would be great if they could just let us know if it is helpful or not.

See ya later. WB
count me in

You the man, WB.
I have just joined this forum and will be checking it daily. I do know some stuff and if I can answer a question, I will.

I just told a someone this morning how valuable I thought this forum was, so count me in.

Everyone who knows me knows I talk too much and spend too much time on the computer.

You asked for it.

Hi, people...!!

Now, one user of SE17 from Spain :) , (Basque Country), thanks WilliamB for your request, just i was looking for something similar operation to present my
projects, I hope that this Forums are very beneficial for all, we can learn a lot some he gives others ...

Thanks all again,

Best regards.
One feature of SE i really like is the ability to select which parts of an assembly to render and which to display as a wire frame (or reference). This works really well to create a focus within a drawing view and can often negate the need for explainatory text or the time involved to create an explosion.

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