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Using GRIP to change the color of selected object



Hi All,

I am a new member.

Anybody knows how to use GRIP statements to change the color of the selected object? To be more specific I want to select few objects and change color with the help of a GRIP program.

It may be easier just to create a macro to do this. I don't think GRIP will give you all the 255 color options available.
Thanks for the reply.

You are right. we can use only 216 colors in GRIP. I already wrote the program and started using it with little help from the docs.

Using Macro is good idea but I feel Macros are bit lazy compared with GRIP. I am doing customization of some functions for my company using GRIPs. I will write a toolbar file and organize folders which contain GRIPs so the total work will be simplified in the future.



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