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Valve - UG


New member
Herewith i enclosed a valve part
Proe file - finished stage,
UG file - Semi finished can be continued,
IGES - - finished stage,

In Proe there is one command called Variable Section Sweep which can capable of sweep only one section along the `N'no. of guides and 1 Spine (Center curve).

I tried this by various advanced commands but i can't get the result. If anybody know that how to do this, kindly guide me.

thanks in advance


Note :
1) enclosed in winzip file,
2) Winzip file is not password locked,
3) Please understand that iam not asking anybody to do work, just it is to explore and manifest your skills and it will enhance all other (our) Skills. Also note that this is voluntary, not compulsary


  • UG
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