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viewing Solid edge files in Navisworks



Hey guys. I just discovered this site today and im hoping maybe, just maybe somebody here can help me.
I work for a general contracting company as the 3D coordinator. Our goal is to be able to compile 3D drawings from different trades into one working drawing to see how all the pieces work together. Here at my office we use solid edge for all of our 3D modeling, it's a good program and i really like what it can do.

I have been playing lately with Navisworks, a program that supposedly let's you bring in any 3D file from nearly any program, and combine it with other pieces from other programs.

In order for a Solid Edge .asm file to be read into Navis, it must be converted to a .iges or a .step. Through some research i have found that .iges is quickly becoming a thing of the past and that .step is the way to go. My problem is that when i convert my .asm to a .step and i try to read it in Navisworks, i am told that the file is corrupted and cannot be read. I have problems with the IGES files too, but that's a different story.

Anybody have any ideas that can help? Maybe i'm converting to .step incorrectly? I dunno what to do anymore, i've been messin with this for weeks.

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