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What do you get for your SE service contract?


William B

Dear Friends,

I would like to find as many opinions as possible on this..

We have a service contract with our SE reseller.(They are the best in town)
We currently pay +/- Euro1,000.00 per year per clasic SE license.
We get the (yearly) upgrades.

We do NOT get: :eek:
- no notification of updates
- no updates on when training happens (you have to ask them for it)
- no newsletter
- no fast email help
- no fast telephonic help (they are too busy & we are too small?)
- no web page to refer local Q&A to
- no access to UGS service web

What do you get for your service contract and what do you pay?

Hi William,

Your BEST resller in town had obviously forgotten about you post sales. I'm not sure if your service contract is referring to the UGS/SE maintenance contract or a 3rd party service contract provided by your reseller.

Supposingly, you're on UGS/SE maintenance contract, you're entitled to the following:

1) Auto upgrade to latest release of SE. (e.g. V19)
2) Access to UGS FTP portal for latest SE updates.
3) GTAC (Global Technical Access Centre) Web & Phone support.
4) Access to UGS knowledge base (UGAnswers)

You can access GTAC & other UGS web services by logging in with your webkey. Do you have one? Let me know if need help on creating one. If you're interested in obtaining more info on your current maintenance support status, let me know. I can check for you. =)

Hope this helps.

Thanks Andrew,

I have tried to access UGS web services - registering with the info given on our license. It did not work. I have emailed UGS and they have ignored me. My reseller ignored us too on this matter - even though we are supposed to be under contract until September 2006.

Any help you can provide will be of great help - please let me know what you need to know.

How much do you charge/pay for service contract?

To others:
Please let us know your opinions.

WB :)
An answer to all questions can be found..

Thanks Andrew,

My info is sent to you per private message.
Please reply to it accordingly


I see many people reading this thread and not responding.
Why? Please contribute..

1. Please let us know what you pay for your contract.
2. Let us know what you get for this contract.
3. Are you happy with the service you receive?
4. If you do not care / have no idea - let us know that then.

William B said:
I see many people reading this thread and not responding.
Why? Please contribute..

1. Please let us know what you pay for your contract.
2. Let us know what you get for this contract.
3. Are you happy with the service you receive?
4. If you do not care / have no idea - let us know that then.

Hello there, vistors of this forum,

Please feel free to post your comments to this thread. No harm making friends here and speak casually. After all, this is A forum.

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