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Where to get free tutorials on languages like UFUNC?



Where can I get the free tutorials on languages like UFUNC or any to customize CAD/CAE softwares. Infact, I eager to learn concerned to customize CAD/CAE softwares. So, please provide me the detailed information about it. Thanks.
We have some programming tutorials....

» Where can I get the free tutorials on languages like UFUNC or any to
» customize CAD/CAE softwares. Infact, I eager to learn concerned to
» customize CAD/CAE softwares. So, please provide me the detailed
» information about it. Thanks.

Hello padmaji_surya,

We have a "Programming" category in our Tutorials directory. The direct link is provided below.

Currently we have tutorials for:

ASP (24)
C++ (6)
CGI (11)
HTML (10)
JavaScript (20)
Perl (5)
PHP (20)
Visual Basic (4)
Visual C++ (6)

I'll email our link harvesters to be on the look out for more, especially those for UFUNC.

Good Luck!

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