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Creating Airfoils


New member
Hi guys. Hope you can help me.

I'm new to CAD in general, and definitely Solid Edge, but I need to use it for my Uni project.

I have to design a wing. I have all the measurements and airfoil data (in the form of coordinates) but I'm really struggling to do this in Solid Edge.

I can create curves using the airfoil data (Curve by table) but then I have serious trouble making the curves into a sketch to create a protrusion (I need to make 7 5mm thick ribs, all of different sizes, but with the same airfoil shape).

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm even doing this the right way, so some googling brought me here and I thought I'd ask for help.

What I need to do is:
  • create 7 different sized ribs from the airfoil data. this could be done by creating 7 individual ones of different size, or 1 master and then rescaling it, but I can't work out how to resize the airfoil without skewing its dimension
  • the wing root is not parallel to the ribs, but needs to retain the profile - this means it won't match the airfoil data I have. is there any way to extrude an airfoil profile out and then change the angle. not sure if this makes any sense.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me. If I need to clarify anything from above or post some screenshots just shout!

Hi guys. Hope you can help me.

I'm new to CAD in general, and definitely Solid Edge, but I need to use it for my Uni project.

I have to design a wing. I have all the measurements and airfoil data (in the form of coordinates) but I'm really struggling to do this in Solid Edge.

I can create curves using the airfoil data (Curve by table) but then I have serious trouble making the curves into a sketch to create a protrusion (I need to make 7 5mm thick ribs, all of different sizes, but with the same airfoil shape).

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm even doing this the right way, so some googling brought me here and I thought I'd ask for help.

What I need to do is:
  • create 7 different sized ribs from the airfoil data. this could be done by creating 7 individual ones of different size, or 1 master and then rescaling it, but I can't work out how to resize the airfoil without skewing its dimension
  • the wing root is not parallel to the ribs, but needs to retain the profile - this means it won't match the airfoil data I have. is there any way to extrude an airfoil profile out and then change the angle. not sure if this makes any sense.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me. If I need to clarify anything from above or post some screenshots just shout!


Can you share some info?

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