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Subtract one part from another in ST2


New member
I am trying to model a part for a molding and due to the shape ST won't allow me to apply drafts where I want them. I've tried various methods with no success. The only thing left I can think of trying, is to create the drafts as a different part, place them both in an assembly together and delete one part from the other. I know I can do this in other software but don't know how do do it in ST2 as i'm a fairly new user.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I am trying to model a part for a molding and due to the shape ST won't allow me to apply drafts where I want them. I've tried various methods with no success. The only thing left I can think of trying, is to create the drafts as a different part, place them both in an assembly together and delete one part from the other. I know I can do this in other software but don't know how do do it in ST2 as i'm a fairly new user.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Hi Mark

Few options
1- Have you consider the use of Part copy? then make a boolean operation?

To insert a part copy, under the Select tool group look for the icon that looks like a blue cube with a chain.

The boolean operation can be found une the Surfacing tab, in the replace face group.

2- Since you talk about the assemly, in the sameple as the part copy, you will find in assembly mode when you edit a part in place the inter-part copy fucntion

Once you have place a interpart copy, same as previous, use the boolean

Can you share the file?​


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