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How to generate parts at lower and upper tolerances


New member
hi there
I have desined a part now I like to generate that part at upper and lower tolerances(biggest and smallest part possible at defined tolerances)or(max and min weight)
by having these cad files i can compare machining steps(in drafting) and make sure that process is ok and there will be no problem in machining process.

is there a way to do this in catia(or solidworks)?
I know you can add a tolerance to parametric values, but I've never heard of an application (other than for the designer to communicate to the drafter what tolerance is to be added on the drawing).

I hope someone can answer this question.

I guess someone would have to write a CATIA macro to modify the model to it's max or min size.
it is possible to add tolerances to part in sketcher(or even in Functional Tolerancing and Annotation(never used it though)
i want to add tolerances at sketcher and export max and min weighted part
The FT&A (Functional Tolerancing and Annotation) tool adds dimensions and GD&T tolerances directly on your 3D model. It will not create the max and min configurations.
Yes, the max and min size can be added to any length constraint in a Sketch. It can also be added to any length parameter of a feature such as a Pad length, Plane offset distance, etc.

But I'm not aware of any tools to use the tolerance information, other than dimensioning on a drawing.
I know you can add a tolerance to parametric values, but I've never heard of an application (other than for the designer to communicate to the drafter what tolerance is to be added on the drawing).

I hope someone can answer this question.

I guess someone would have to write a CATIA macro to modify the model to it's max or min size.
is it too much work to write a macro fir this feature?
Too much work? It depends on your programming skills and your ability to work with the CATIA programming tools.

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