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3D software comparison.

I currently work for a company that uses solidworks, but have heard through the grapevine that other 3D systems are being looked at (not sure why).
I have heard that UG NX or Solidedge may be something we look at.

I was hoping someone on here had used either solidworks and NX or solidworks and solidedge and could possibly fill me in as to what are the benefits / weaknesses of the system compared to each other are.

To fill you in on the areas I need comparing, I currently work for a company that designs and manufactures electric enclosures, so use the following types of functionality

3D Part / Assembly modelling
2D drawing creation
Surfacing (design a few organic type shapes that fit onto the enclosures)
A little bit of eletrical routing
A little bit of large assembly
Importing of other 3D and 2D cad formats
Data Management.

I actually really enjoy using solidworks, but though I would try and get a headstart on this as I now I will be given the job of sorting it all out :eek:(
Thanks for your time

sorry if this type of thread has been posted before. Am new on here
solidworks vs ugii

if i were you, i'd go to the solidworks web page, and contact their support team and ask them.

good luck. nx is great (but cumbersome)

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