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3DS Max - Plugin [UPDATE] - drawparamLine v2


New member

This major update brings you new features and improvements to already existing ones. Now, in addition to the existing method using a picked point and XYZ orientations, where you can change the length after creation, you have a second method of creation using two picked points, where the line will start on the first point and points in the direction of the second one using the length value in the spinner. Also, in this version, you can load 2D shapes from the scene, that have 2 vertices only, and change their lengths, the script will always respect their current orientations. No worry now if you close the dialog, you can open it and load any line, even if it was created by the line tool inside Max. This version lets you have modifiers on top of the Line and continue to modify its length. In the video, I will show you some tricks on how you can use this tool as a helper to adjust the length and orientation of mesh edges. Plus other things, I encourage you to watch the whole video to have a complete understanding of the tool.
You can download the plugin from the description area on YouTube

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