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Best CAM system for Solid Edge ?



Does anybody have experience with GibbsCAM and/or EdgeCAM and/or NX CAM Express? I want a system that allows me to transfer the whole setup (vises, clamps, stock, part, etc.) in from Solid Edge and keep everything associative. If the part changes (or clamp changes position), I want the CAM side to update painlessly. Most of our parts are prismatic mill and lathe parts (semi-production quantity runs of 5 – 500 are typical). We do have one (HAAS VF2-TR) 5 axis mill I need to program (positioning only at this point).

Hi Joe,

NX CAM Express is the only CAM system that maintains associativity of Solid Edge parts between design and manufacturing. Any changes done in Solid Edge will be immediately reflected in NX CAM Express as there is a tight integration between Solid Edge and NX CAM Express. After all, both are products of UGS.

CAx Support

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