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CAD mouse


Hello everyone,

I'm new here, so a small introduction: I've been working with CAD programs for the past 8 years now (excluding the time I spent on CAD programs during my study). I currently work with AutoCAD and Siemens NX (mostly NX), and I work in the oil&gas industry.

Now to get to the point:
In all of my time working with CAD programs I never used anything but the conventional mouse + keyboard. Today I had a conversation with my engineering manager and he brought up the subject of using a CAD mouse. My company is quite great when it comes to ergonomics and taking care of their employees, so he brought the CAD mouse up into conversation because he didn't want me to get "injured" in the future (repetitive strain injury I believe you call it).

So, I'm completely clueless with CAD mice, have been looking around for the past few hours to see what the deal really is, and if I believe there's any benefit to using one over the conventional M+K. I agreed with my manager I'd look into it and come back to him if I want one or not.

So, my questions are:

- Is there any actual benefit to using one? I've gotten so used to M+K. I know all the shortcuts on the keyboard that I need in a CAD program. Would it still be faster?

- Is it ergonomically better than using a standard mouse?

- The movement in CAD programs is something I'm so used to, specially in combination with keyboard keys to drag a model or rotate it, or to press a key on the keyboard so the model aligns with a front/back/side view, etc. Would a CAD mouse still be advantageous?

p.s.: By "CAD mouse" I'm talking about something like the 3D-Connexion pro space mouse (I believe it's called).

Thanks for any help!

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