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Join our CAD community forums where over 25,000 users interact to solve day to day problems and share ideas. We encourage you to visit, invite you to participate and look forward to your input and opinions. Acrobat 3D, AutoCAD, Catia, Inventor, IronCAD, Creo, Pro/ENGINEER, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and others.

CATIA Tutotials for beginners (Helix Spring with Tapered Angle)

How to model a drill bit

hi am beginner in catia i need to creat hexlix part (e.g. drill bit model).. pls reply me how to do it
I have attached a zip file which contains step by step CATIA tutorials for beginners (Helix Spring with Tapered Angle). I hope it will be helpful to users.
Have a nice time.

Thanx dude....
plz tell me if i want helical coil so can i follow same procedure... with two concentric circle at input or diff. procedure is there,,,

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