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Converting Surfaces


New member

I'm new to SolidEdge and this forum,
actually I'm not even the typical CAD user :)

I'm a programmer currently writing a model viewer for models designed in SolidEdge using openGL.

Problem is the models are built by surfaces.
My format of choice (*.XGL) exports empty data when I try..

I thought about turning the surfaces to a solid form, but SE seems to get stuck when I do so (if I pick multiple surfaces and use "Thickness" it displays a message box of "Unsucessful operation" without any additional data).
Picking the surfaces one by one seems like a crazy way to fix this..

Does anybody know:

* How to convert surfaces to solid?
* How to export surfaces in XGL using SE?
* How to export surfaces data in another "easy-to-read" format such as XGL or OBJ (which requires a quite costy plugin)?

I'm using UGS SolidEdge V18..

Thanks in advance!
Hello there,

I hope to offer a satisfactory answer to your questions here.

* How to convert surfaces to solid?
Surfaces are of zero thickness, and you'll have to assign a positive thickness value to it in order to make it a solid.

* How to export surfaces in XGL using SE?
You can export surfaces to XGL format in SE/ST2.

* How to export surfaces data in another "easy-to-read" format such as XGL or OBJ (which requires a quite costy plugin)?
You may consider exporting to JT format, since it an ISO certified 3D visualization format.

Hope this helps. :)

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