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copy feature


New member
Hi All !

I am a new user of solid edge. I have some doubts as follow

1) How can we copy a feature of one part in to other part?
2) Can we save the sketch in sketch mode if I want it repeat ?
3) How can we draw 3D sketch?
4) How can we trim the sketches in 3D ?

I will really appreciate help from you.

Thanks & Regards
1) How can we copy a feature of one part in to other part?

Simply copy/paste the select item to the another part. us ethe CTRL + C and V

2) Can we save the sketch in sketch mode if I want it repeat ?

In traditional mode, the sketch need to be save from the draft environement because it is a 2D element. Then when you are in a sketcg mode inside a part, you can drag and drop a .dft inside your sketch from windows explorer.

In ST same as previous, copy/paste, you can also paste the 2D element inside the feature library, sketches are consider a "feature"

3) How can we draw 3D sketch?

In traditional you have to create a plane in the correct orientation and at the correct location and draw your element. Their is also a 3D sketcher for the piping and the frame.

Again in ST it is easier has we can move sketch elements around in space uing the steering wheel

4) How can we trim the sketches in 3D ?

Please provide example and more explanations on what you are looking for to achieve.

Yes you can

1) How can we copy a feature of one part in to other part?

Under St it is much easier then in Traditional, because we see features as a faces collection rather then a block

Under St - Select what you need to copy the use CTRL + C/X then Paste CTRL+V use the steering wheel to reposition the copied elements the use the contextual menu Attach to merge the copied elements.

Make sure the steering wheel is correctly locate before doing the copy

Under traditional - You have to take care of the feature dependencies, but the workflow is similar select the feature, copy then paste

2) Can we save the sketch in sketch mode if I want it repeat ?

Same answer here under St sketch are not locate inside a feature. Therefore you have a direct access to the sketch, unlike traditional modleing.

Under ST
Same workflow, this time i recommand using the quick pick to select the entire sketch. Also the sketch can be paste to the library tab directly.

Under traditional
Saving sketch in traditional is a little bit more complexe. Copy the sketch element, then paste them in a draft (.dft). Make sure you locate the paste elements in the draft near the sheet origin ( bottom left corner)

Open a part, start a sketch, and from the windows explorer, drag the draft (.dft) into your sketch. Exit the sketch the continue modleing you part.

For the last two, if you could post an example, they look like a 3D wireframe question. Modeling inside SE is different from modeling in 3D wireframe, So the technique may differ. Their is a good chance that we could avoid using the 3D wireframe approach.

3) How can we draw 3D sketch?

4) How can we trim the sketches in 3D ?

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