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Datum, Dafult Co-ordinate system, Axis Vs. Dimension and constrain


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Version : UG Nx6

Herewith i found one simple and irritating problem in UG NX6.

While creating each and every new file there will be one dafault Co-ordinate system is readily available by UG default. After i inserted all the 3 Datum Planes and Datum axis. I tried to give dimension between the skecthed line or some other entities like Datum, Dafult Co-ordinate system & Axis. But i can't give the dimension between skecthed line and Datum or Dafult Co-ordinate system or Axis.

So what iam currently doing is i will draw the lines and i will change it to construction lines and i will give the collinear constraint to the axis. For both horizontal and vertical direction iam doing this. And later i can be used this construction lines as Axis. Also for another one direction (Since x, y & x 3 directions but 1 skecth have 2 axis only created), i have to repeat the same procedure.

Please anybody help me to avoid this problem

thanks in advance


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