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"Demote" part into subassembly...



I have a part at my top level assembly and I want it to be a component of another sub-assembly in my model.

How do you "demote" a part or assembly into another sub-asembly in the modelling environment, like you can do in Inventor for example?

The command is called transfer in solid edge.

If you go to the help pulldown there is something called a command finder, you can type in keywords like you would in google and solid edge will try and guess what you are trying to do and show you where the commands to do them are located. Go to the command finder and type in "transfer"


You need to click the part and them select the transfer command (which may be hidden in a flyout behind the disperse command), then select the sub-assy you want it to transfer too. Note: It is a best prctice to have only one (usally the first one you place) grounded part per assembly. When you transfer/disperse a part, it will end up grounded, just delete the ground and apply the proper constraints.

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