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Join our CAD community forums where over 25,000 users interact to solve day to day problems and share ideas. We encourage you to visit, invite you to participate and look forward to your input and opinions. Acrobat 3D, AutoCAD, Catia, Inventor, IronCAD, Creo, Pro/ENGINEER, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and others.

Forum that never sleeps


William B

Dear readers of the Solid Edge forum,

We would like to create a FORUM that never sleeps!

Please become a writer not just a reader.
Post your comments, ideas, question and answers,
on anything Solid Edge or helpfull to CADs (Computer Aided Designers).

We will be happy to greet you as a friend.

To the older designers -
There is many people out there designing in SE that others say is to older to start / use a computer.
Please come forward and contribute what you have learnt - even if trivial.
Even the young ones may learn something about sharing for a change..;)

Also do remember to post your version number you are using with your question.

The catalyst to action? :eek:

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Catalyst or trouble maker, that is the question. Ha.

I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

All I ever come up with is more questions.

Surfaces really fascinate me. I am still learning though.

I may have to stick to what I know best, asking questions.

If anyone can draw the tallent out of the woodwork, you can WB.


You are already converted I think / hope.
You are thus not the intended target of this thread.

Have you seen how the "read" count on each of these threads grow?
Our active member count (contributions) does not grow as quickly yet.

JK thanks for being such a super buddy! :cool:

PS: I have a big mouth, but know very little. :(
That is why I ask for people to help answering questions.

The troublemaker,

WB :)
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Hi William & JK,

You guys are already the catalysts of this forum. We just need more people like you guys in here. ;)

We always have tons of readers but few contributors in forums. People are shy and we just have to be patient. I was feeling lonely too before you guys joined the club. :D

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