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How do I create macros in UG/NX4?


New member
I'm new to the forum, and I posted this same question earlier, but it doesn't show up in the forum.

I'm trying to create some macros in UG/NX4. I'm very new to UG, but not to 3D modeling. I'm proficient, but no expert. Where do I start?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Best regards,

Macros in UGNX4

Hi there,

Goto Tools>macro>Start record and choose a location for your macro file.

Now execute your command, in this case you will have to goto Analysis>Distance, select the Projected Distance option and select X as your vector, at this stage goto Tools>Macro>User Entry and choose the two entities you want measure. Now goto Tools>macro>Stop Record.

Your macro file is ready to use. You can check by Tools>Macro>Playback choose the macro file you just created. Every time this will allow you to choose two entities but always will give a distance in X direction.

Hope i was clear enough.

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